Our Organization

Our Story

We share two values that are a big part of why we started our foundation. At an early age, we learned the value of giving back to be optimistic about the future. And we also learned the value of giving back to those less fortunate than us.

Both of us grew up in India and saw the misfortunes of so many people. Unfortunately, factors outside of anyone’s control make it hard for some people to reach their potential: things like where they were born, who their parents are, where they grew up, whether they are a boy or a girl, and their health condition.

We wake up every day determined to use our resources to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life. We believe that all lives have equal value. That’s why we made the decision to donate our wealth to help others.

Millions of children in poor countries  die from diseases, such as diarrhea and pneumonia due to lack of clean water, poor nutrition, and lack of medical infrastructure.  Cancer patients in poor countries have much lower survival rates compared to same cancers that occur in wealthier countries. There are so many talented students in poor countries, however, the lack of resources do not allow these students to fully utilize their talents.

We have formed this foundation with an aim to improve education, improve health, promote scientific advances, and providing clean water and clean energy.

In addition to our direct work, we also donate to many non-profit public charities such as the American Cancer Society, BAPS Charities, Susan G. Komen Foundation, Charity Water, Doctors without Borders, among others.